The online membership by Ange Noy helping busy women build sustainable healthier habits for life.

Get fitter, nail your nutrition and have more energy with Grace, Grit & Gratitude.



The online membership by Ange Noy helping busy women build sustainable healthier habits for life.

Get fitter, nail your nutrition and have more energy with Grace, Grit & Gratitude.



Movement. Nutrition. Self-care. Mindset.

Fitness. Yoga.  Nutrition. Mindset.


If your answer is YES to at least one of the following...

  • Looking for a more sustainable approach to health and fitness so you can keep it going for longer than a few weeks
  • So busy you feel you have zero time to look after yourself (but know you need to)
  • Ready to eat delicious, nutritious food and ditch restrictive dieting
  • Tired of intense exercise plans that leave you feeling burned out
  • Want to feel more energised and balanced
  • Ready to put in the work needed to get on track and stay there for the long term
  •  Want ongoing support but without the price tag of a 1-on-1 coach.

You’re in the right place. The Grace, Grit & Gratitude Online Squad membership was created to help you!


It's time to make yourself a priority

The Online Squad VIP Membership includes:

  • Live weekly mindset chats to help navigate your health and fitness obstacles so you can stop being stuck and nail your goals.
  • Monthly habit focus  - a new focus provided each month to practice getting consistent every day so you can layer those healthier habits for sustainable change.
  • Monthly group Clarity Coaching - to review your goals, remind yourself of your wins, check that you're on the right track and refocus for the month ahead.
  • Pre-recorded fitness classes in an on-demand video library of more than 100 workout and yoga videos (mostly 30 mins or less, to fit in with your busy life) with a fun, challenging and low impact approach towards exercise.
  • Nutrition guidelines to help you develop sustainable eating habits and skills. Step away from dysfunctional dieting and learn how to eat healthy without complicated rules and deprivation.
  • Sustainable weight loss and maintenance strategies for slow but steady results.
  • Private Facebook community for advice, support, and popup live challenges (with more than 200 workout and yoga class replays available!).
  • BONUS: Programme access including the 21 Days Of Yoga Challenge, 28 Day Routine Reboot, Postpartum Return To Exercise Programme, and the 8 Week Find Your Balance Challenge (self-guided or 1-on-1 coach-supported with four intakes per year).

Membership Hub Access

Featuring yoga and workout collections, sustainable nutrition guidance, meditations and pranayama, programmes and much more!

Why you need the Online Squad

  • Concerned about the cost? Private personal training and health coaching sessions are typically upwards of $60 per hour. With this group coaching membership costing just $35 per month (or even less, depending on your subscription payment plan choice!), you're getting an online coach, mindset strategies, a support forum, bonus programmes, and fitness and yoga classes on-demand for a fraction of the price.

  • Worried about staying motivated? If you keep doing what you're doing, sure it'll be the easier option, but where will you be in 6 months? A year? 5 years? Don't wait for motivation to hit you, motivation comes from taking action - even if those actions are small. We work towards progress over perfection, focusing on our wins, and continually moving forwards.

  • Too busy to follow through? When you're juggling a busy life, you can't afford for your health or self care to lapse. In the membership, you'll learn strategies to fit exercise, healthy eating and self care into your busy lifestyle in a way that you can make it a priority.

  • I've tried programmes in the past and they haven't worked! Usually when this happens, it's because the programme method tried to get you to change too much at once or that it was too different from what you'd usually do. We use the 5 Step Path To Find Your Balance coaching method to figure out what's working for you (so you can do more of that) and what's not (so we can troubleshoot it). This way we keep moving forwards and over time you'll build your own healthy habit routine that suits your life.


Don't just take my word for it! Check out what GGG clients are saying about the Online Squad membership and bonus programmes...

Frances T.

Becoming a part of the GGG Online Squad has been the perfect re-entry into exercise.

Not having to think about routines and what exercises to do has made the transition back into exercise so smooth and easy. Also having the flexibility to workout at home, any time of the day has been massive for me as a stay at home mum of 2.

The workouts are challenging yet not too long, so easy to fit into every day life. Plus the mindset, well-being and nutritional support has been next level!'

Profile picture

Nadia B.

I've loved doing the Find Your Balance challenge these last 8 weeks, after finding Grace, Grit and Gratitude at just the right time. It was a really good level of challenge for me, achievable, but with a stretch, and showing the way for healthier habits and continued growth.

The workouts were definitely a new habit for me to fit into my life, but once I got started, I enjoyed the challenge, was very grateful for the different level options, and it was so good to start feeling fitter and stronger.

Having the structure and support were so beneficial to keep me going when there were a few points it would have been easy to give up, and I really appreciated the realistic approach, and weekly check ins.

Ange's approach and support was so encouraging, and has paved the way for more consistency and ease in my approach to physicial wellbeing and self care.

Hannah G.

'The Online Squad has helped me continue to work out regularly at home at times that suit me. It has been especially helpful during our lockdown times too where we haven't been able to go anywhere.

I at least knew that I would be getting my workouts done which I need for my own physical and mental health.'

>> Member Spotlight interview

Sally V.

'I really enjoyed the 21 Days of Yoga Challenge*. The instructions were super clear and easy to follow and I enjoyed how there was a bit of an explanation at the beginning of each session . Learnt a few good new twists too to help with my back.'

*These challenge videos are included in the Online Squad membership

Annabel H.

'I’m really enjoying the Grace, Grit & Gratitude online yoga. The 21 Days of Yoga Challenge* was great.
'I've also been enjoying the online workouts and the Find Your Balance Challenge*.

*These challenge videos are included in the Online Squad membership

Choose Your Plan...




per month






per 3 months

$6.54 PER WEEK




$349  $229

per year

$4.40 PER WEEK


ON THE FENCE? Give the Online Squad a go with a 7 day free trial at the start of any membership option (Cancel any time before your first payment with no risk).

Grace, Grit & Gratitude helps busy women get fitter and healthier with sustainable habit changes.

Reduce stress, have more energy and find balance!

Know what you should be doing when it comes to your diet, exercise and wellbeing but can't seem to keep it going consistently?

The GGG Online Squad membership helps you focus on the skills and habit changes you need to do on a daily basis that add up over time.

Our online workout and yoga videos, healthy nutrition guidelines, holistic wellbeing tips, bonus programmes, private support group and 5 Step Path to Find Your Balance method to success will give you everything you need to nail your goals and get sustainable results that last.

Get consistent with simple daily habits and skills; your results will come so much easier

Would you like to:
➨ Get off the diet rollercoaster?
➨ Stop struggling with exhausting exercise routines?
➨ Get results
➨ Feel good in your body, happy and energetic?

If you're ready, willing and able to do some work and make permanent changes to improve your health, fitness and wellbeing, let's get you started today.

ange noy

The Grace, Grit & Gratitude Philosophy

‘We’re so busy being ‘superwoman' and we’re told we can have it all – but when we’re under pressure something’s gotta give and the first thing to go is often our own health and wellbeing.

'It’s so important for us to take care of ourselves, because when we do, we feel happier, more confident and stronger. But sometimes it can be difficult to figure out where to start. That's why I created Grace, Grit & Gratitude.'

Grace, Grit & Gratitude founder, personal trainer, nutrition coach, yoga teacher and mother of two.


Learn how to work with your busy life instead of against it